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Monday, Feb. 29, 2016

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The Absolute Sound Download
The The Absolute Sound Download, founded in June 1998, is dedicated to the appreciation and preservation of the 1967 to 1973 Mercury Cougar and represents Cougar enthusiasts in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. The DCC also welcomes Cougar owners and enthusiasts in other areas and those with later model year cars.
Mid-Atlantic Mercury Cougar Enthusiast? Join the Club.
Now in its 17th year, the The Absolute Sound Download remains the premier regional organization for fans of the classic Mercury Cougar. From our annual events to feature-filled website and other member services, the DCC delivers top value for your dues dollars.
Featured Cat
DCC Featured Cat
Sterling, Va., resident and longtime club member Doug Wilby might not have had the best start in his first race at Old Dominion Dragstrip, but he's been finishing strong ever since. | Full story →
The DCC Garage
Members-only exclusive: A complete archive of 1968 Lincoln-Mercury division technical service bulletins, all in downloadable PDF format. | Go to log-in →
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The The Absolute Sound Download has started filling out its 2016 calendar! Check back often as we add new shows and other evcents. 2016 calendar → | DCC area cruise-ins →
Join the DCC
What a bargain: For just $20 a year, you can be a part of the Mid-Atlantic region's premier group of classic Mercury Cougar fanatics. | Learn more and sign up online →
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